Out of hibernation at last!

Hello Dear Readers! I can’t believe I haven’t blogged since October! So much has happened I don’t quite know where to start, so why don’t I start with music? At last I’m feeling really motivated and moved by music again, the main reason being that I might have 2 weddings in May. Please whisper that so we don’t jinx it! I’m optimistic that smaller weddings will become a big thing for the rest of the year as some couples decide that big isn’t always best and that wedding celebrations might be even better when held in stages. Why not have a small intimate ceremony, then later on, a party with punch and pizzazz as bigger gatherings are permitted again? Today I enjoyed researching some requests for May and I got a buzz as I remembered the process of making pop tunes sound good on the harp. I’ll be sharing some of those on social media when they’re ready to be aired so stay tuned.

A question I’ve been pondering is how I can reach couples who would be interested in having me play at their wedding without wedding fayres at which to perform my latest hits. Fayres are hard work but fun at the same time as they’re a great way to meet music loving clients as well as catching up with some amazing wedding suppliers. I have to remind myself to be patient as life resumes some sort of normality.

I’ve enjoyed practicing for my own pleasure as well as learning wedding requests. It’s helped keep my brain in shape, not to mention my fingers - I’m looking forward to having calluses again! I realised that when the urge to play is there, I have to seize it, even if I only have 5 minutes. I love having full days to indulge in some serious practice but life doesn’t always allow this luxurious time. Playing keeps my creativity topped up and connects me with the passionate part of my personality.

My online Zoom teaching has been a lifesaver. The ability to teach weekly from home is fantastic and it’s one of the blessings of technology. Obviously face to face lessons are ideal, but my regular students who have had their weekly dose of Zoom have steadily made significant progress in their playing and in their basic music theory knowledge. It’s also been lovely to see them and to catch up on their news. Feel free to get in touch if you fancy trying a Zoom lesson from the comfort of your own home.

From a non musical perspective, I’m still walking and running and enjoying the sanity that brings while swimming pools and gyms have been out of bounds. I’ve also been having online yoga lessons with Sue Cowlishaw - she’s a fantastic yoga teacher offering very varied classes, and every week I learn some new poses or flows, or we work on the fundamental postures. My mind, body and spirit love yoga!

I’ve been cooking a lot, and I mean a lot, and learning new styles of cuisine. When the pandemic worsened and I realised I’d have no playing work at all, I developed psoriasis on my arms and legs. I’m sure that stress and uncertainty were the main factors which aggravated this chronic condition. It hasn’t affected me significantly other than the appearance of the plaques denting my confidence but I think the arrival of Spring with an improvement in the weather, and more music will help with this. I’ve tried all sorts of approaches - prescription and non prescription lotions, creams and ointments, cutting out food groups, fasting, detoxes etc. Nothing has made a significant difference so I’m trying not to give it too much thought. I’m certain that as we learn a new way of being, my skin will settle down. I’m told that swimming in the sea and warmer climates are beneficial for psoriasis. Planning holidays abroad is good for psoriasis too! Did I tell you I’ve been learning Spanish? Wow, how I’ve enjoyed that! I’ve been learning the basics using an app on my phone. Learning a new language fills me with positivity and a sense of possibility. I love it!

For the time being I won’t be posting photos here, it takes too much time to download them. I will however be using Instagram and possibly Facebook (if I can work out how to get past the pesky code generator - what’s that about FB?!!) to share images and music clips. If you want to see what I get up to when I’m out and about away from the harp, I’m on Instagram as rarebitblogging It’s just a bit of fun, usually in the hills. Maintaining a sense of fun is so important!

I’m feeling excited about the future and ready to start this new chapter. Hope you’ll join me!